We will clarify in SIR the registration of RS virus infection. This is due to the prevailing circumstances with an increase in RS patients which has an impact on intensive care. Especially then, of course, our pediatric intensive care units. There is a need for an overall picture of the burden on intensive care.
We have therefore jointly decided with the Public Health Agency of Sweden to include RS virus in the SIRI registration (separate information about this will be sent out)
We have also reviewed the diagnostic coding for RS virus infection. There are four ICD10-SE codes that are current.
- J12.1 Pneumonia Caused by Respiratory Syncytial Virus [RSV]
- J20.5 Acute Bronchitis Caused by Respiratory Syncytial Virus [RSV]
- J21.0 Acute bronchiolitis caused by respiratory syncytial virus [RSV]
- B97.4 Respiratory syncytial virus [RSV] as cause of diseases classified in other chapters
The most common codes for children are J12.1 and J21.0, respectively.
Note that B97.4 cannot be a main ICU diagnosis but is a specification of a different diagnostic code (e.g. may be the combination Other apnea in newborn P28.4 + B97.4).
The above probably does not require any changes to your home systems as these ICD10-SE codes are already listed in the ICD10-SE list.
We have also implemented a change in aggregation for presentation on the output portal. All four RS virus codes are now aggregated to the "SIR code" JA07 which was previously only used for J12.1. The explanation text also changes from "Pneumonia caused by RS virus" to "Infection caused by RS virus".