This page shows internet links to the ICU registers worldwide. The following collection of links is not exhaustive or in any way quality assured.
It is the result of a regular search and updating of sources linked to the ICU registers or to create large-scale records. The listed sites may be available in different languages.
The Swedish Intensive Care Register will gradually enlarge this collection, and we welcome feedback on relevant websites or information on content that should be removed from this page.
Links to other registers
Norska Intensivvårdsregistret
The Norwegian Intensive Care Registry
ICNARC, England and Wales
Intensive Care National Audit and Research Center
REVERSI, Tyskland
Register Versorgungsforschung Intensivmedizin
Evaluatie (NICE), Nederländerna
Nationale Intensive Care
GiViTI, Italien och andra
Gruppo Italioano per la Valutazione degli, Interventi in Terapia Intensiva
SRLF, Frankrike
Société de Réanimation de Langue Française
La Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Crítica y Unidades Coronarias
ANZICS CORE, Nya Zeeland och Australien
The Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Centre for Outcome and Resource Evaluation
ISCCM, Indien
Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine
Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment
SICSAG, Skottland
Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group
MRIC, Malaysia
Malaysian Registry of Intensive Care
DID, Danmark
Dansk Intensiv Database
ASDI, Österrike
Verein Österreichisches Zentrum für Dokumentation und Qualitätssicherung in der Intensivmedizin
The European registry of Intensive Care, ERIC
The Winnipeg ICU database
UTIs Brasilien
Brazilian ICU registry
UCIs Colombia
Colombian ICU registry