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ICU Manager Meeting Digitally
The meeting is arranged together with SIS, the Swedish Intensive Care Society
Publication on life-sustaining treatment and organ donation
The relationship between life-sustaining treatment limitation and organ donation in Swedish intensive care: A nationwide register study.
Registration of intensive care beds
Daily registration - No requirement for reporting Saturdays and Sundays until further notice.
Annual Progress Report Organ and Tissue Donation 2020
In the progress report Organ and Tissue Donation in Sweden for 2020, the National Donation Centre of the National Board of Health and Welfare notes that the number of organ donors increased in three healthcare regions while they decreased nationally.
Updated information regarding the data collection application
During the ongoing pandemic, The Swedish Intensive Care Registry has received a large number of applications for data extraction from operations, authorities and researchers.
Coding COVID-19 - further clarification
Further clarification regarding COVID-19 encoding and registration in SIRI