From 2020-06-01 there will be a new ICD-10-SE code.
Z86.1A Covid-19 in its own medical history (condition classified under U07.1-U07.2)
This code is used when the patient had Covid-19 but no longer has an ongoing infection. Please use the Public Health Agency's criteria for considering a person as non-infectious, based on clinical criteria and time from first symptoms. We interpret the National Board of Health and Welfare's definition that it had the infection, we interpret that U07.1 or U07.2 has been fulfilled historically. Z86.1A cannot be selected as the main ICU diagnosis.
We refer to the National Board of Health and Welfare's guidelines for coding.
Ex 1. Patient cared for in ICU with confirmed Covid-19. Goes to IMA with remaining track. Is considered according to the hospital guidelines to be infectious, i.e. no ongoing covid infection. On IMA increasing respiratory failure that is considered to be related to the patient's Critical Illness Neuropathy. Returning to ICU for respiratory support.
When diagnosing, a code for respiratory hazard weight e.g. J96.0 Acute respiratory insufficiency and Z86.1A Covid-19 are used in their own medical history and other current codes e.g. CIN G62.8.
Ex 2. Patient cared for in ICU with confirmed Covid-19. Cared for five weeks in ICU with covidpneumonia, the last time declared for infection. To be discharged to the ward.
When diagnosing, the code U07.1 Covid-19, virus demonstrated + J12.8 Other specified viral pneumonia and other current codes are used. Don't forget code for possible isolation or cohort care (You should not use both U07.1 and Z86.1A for the same care session.)
Ex 3. Patient cared for in ICU (hospital 1) with confirmed Covid-19. Cared for five weeks in ICU with covidpneumonia, the last time declared for infection. To be discharged to intensive care unit in hospital 2.
When diagnosing used in hospital 1 code U07.1 Covid-19, virus demonstrated + J12.8 Other specified viral pneumonia + other current codes. Do not forget about any code for isolation or cohort care. In hospital 2, code describing the main ICU diagnosis is used e.g. J96.0 Acute respiratory insufficiency and Z86.1A Covid-19 in their own medical history and other current codes (I.e. in hospital 2 not U07.1.
Ex 4. Pregnant woman being cared for in intensive care with pneumonia and diagnosed Covid-19 infection.
When diagnosing, the code U07.1 Covid-19, virus demonstrated + J12.8 Other specified viral pneumonia + Z33.9 Pregnancy UNS and other current codes. Do not forget code for possible isolation or cohort care.