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Annual report for 2023
To be released in connection with the SIR annual meeting 2024-03-13 at 14:30.
Cancellation of the 2024 ICU Management Meeting
SIR will not organize the ICU Management Meeting in 2024.
Reports on the Output Portal
Work in progress to create new reports on the Output Portal for Died in ICU, Daily SOFA and eventually Nursing variables.
SIR's XML and Json documentation is updated
SIR's XML and Json documentation is updated with the following protocols; Deceased2024, Nursing Documentation and Daily SOFA.
Reminder of SIRI registration
All patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza or COVID-19 treated in the ICU should be reported as soon as possible after the start of treatment.
Effects of education, income and employment on ICU and post-ICU survival
Effects of education, income and employment on ICU and post-ICU survival - A nationwide Swedish cohort study of individual-level data with 1-year follow up
Deceased in ICU - New guideline for 2024
The National Board of Health and Welfare has commissioned the Swedish Intensive Care Registry to follow up on deceased patients in ICUs. The intention is to be able to follow the national quality indicators that are intended to ensure the quality of organ donations at the care provider.