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SIR statutes decided at the annual meeting in 2023
At SIR's annual meeting on 2023-03-15 in Saltsjöbaden, the current statutes were adopted.
New version of SIR XML 2.1.0
The documentation, rules and structures for XML and JSON are updated in order to be able to report nursing variables.
ICU care due to covid-19 decreased with omicron and increased immunity
Read the special section of the weekly report on COVID-19 from the Public Health Agency
Notice of SIR Annual Meeting 2023
Annual meeting of the Swedish Intensive Care Registry for the financial year 2022
Immigrant background and socioeconomic status are associated with severe COVID-19 requiring intensive care
Published article containing data from the Swedish Intensive Care Registry
Association between chronic kidney disease, obesity, cardiometabolic risk factors, and severe COVID-19 outcomes
Published article containing data from the Swedish Intensive Care Registry
Important information from the National Public Health Agency - Influenza
At the request of the Public Health Agency, the following information and appeal for typing of influenza cases at ICU in Sweden is sent. They write: " We have seen an increased number of patients at ICU with influenza, mainly influenza A in recent weeks. Few of the patients have their samples subtyped to influenza A(H3N2) or A(H1N1)pdm09. As we have both types circulating in Sweden, it is important to know the distribution among the critically ill."